Why I can’t Stop Praising HIM

God made way for Temitope
In January 2016, I spent a lot of time in the hospital with our son. The Doctor said he had a fever. So they got him admitted, and the injections, medication, and monitoring began. Then, he was nineteen months old. It was heartbreaking to me as I watched him go through the pain of getting the IVF fixed on his hand to enable the administration of his medication through the drip. My heart broke further, when after a week of admission, he started to convulse. I had never seen anything like that before. I cried and prayed while the doctor and nurses did water swap on him and gave him paracetamol injection to bring his temperature which was between 38 degrees and 39 degrees under control. This experience stretched my faith. You know, Faith that is not tested is not faith. Faith is what you do, how you comport yourself, what you say and think when things are not as they should be. I remember posting something on Facebook that got my friends and family, responding with words of encouragement. I would not forget how Salt Essien-Nelson, sent me a CD on a teaching based on Psalms 91. I listened to it over and over again, until I got my peace and confidence back. Thank you Salt Essien for that. And thank you for checking on Temitope until he was discharged from the hospital. My friends, God made way for our son to be healed and whole. This is one reason why I can’t stop Praising HIM.

God made way for our Accommodation
In the midst of this trying time, one evening my husband came to visit us with our daughter in the hospital. One glance at him and I knew something was up and he was waiting for the perfect time to share. Then He spilled it. He said our Landlady called and said she wants to use her house. He told me she wants us to vacate the apartment as soon as we exhausted the duration of our tenancy for the year. That meant we had, eight months to prepare for a new accommodation. But then, in my part of the world, relocating a family is not a child’s game. It involves a lot of financial and strategic planning. To make matters worse, the primary source of income in our home was under threat as the body language of most employers changed in response to the wave of recession. I knew I desperately needed God to give me a word for our situation. 

As I waited for a scripture, I was reminded of the cross over service of December 31st, 2009. My PreciousRuby and I attended (not yet married, still in courtship). As we wrote down our expectations for the New Year, and prayed for accommodation in the following year, so we could settle as husband and wife, God spoke these words to me, ‘Accommodation will never be a problem for you two.’ I remember writing this in my journal and sharing excitedly with Ruby. I was also reminded of how God blessed us with the accommodation we were now expected to relinquish. It was given to us, two years paid in advance. The lesson here is that it is imperative that we, like David, should recall our past testimonies and build our confidence in God no matter our situations. In 1 Samuel 17: 34-37, I hear David, say, ‘the God who helped me to kill the lion and the bear when they attacked my sheep, is able to deliver me from this uncircumcised Philistine.’ (Paraphrased).

As we continued in prayers, and also in planning for the new phase our family was about to get into, God spoke this words to my heart, ‘I will make a way where there seems to be no way.’ In another encounter, He explained to me, from Numbers 23:19, that, ‘when He says He will make a Way, He will because He is not a man that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should change His mind.’ With these words, our confidence in God was unshaken. We knew without a doubt that God will do what He said He will do.

The Way Maker did it Again!
In August, by faith, we wrote October 22, 2016, on our Vision Board, as the day we will move into our new accommodation. August was also that month where I experienced a terrible phase of depression, mood swings and became self-conscious. But God came through for me in my health and restored me. He made way for us, and we relocated on October 28th, 2016 into a new accommodation. This new housing came with a Job promotion for my PreciousRuby, Landlords who are serious believers, desperate to please the Lord. In summary, it is a better accommodation than the previous. When God gives you a word, you can go to the market with it. What do I mean? You can rely confidently on God’s word; it is a sure word of prophecy. We prayed with 1 Samuel 7: 10 for an accommodation and God gave us more than what we desired.

Count your blessings!
Count them, name them one by one, it will surprise you what the Lord has done. And of course, He has done great things. Some of these ‘things’ we take for granted. Like waking up each morning, going and coming back safely from work each day, food on your table, clothes to wear, being in the right frame of mind, breathing, having dreams in our hearts…

Life is one gift we can never thank God enough for. My friends, as  you already know, 2016, wraps up in a few days; maybe you are already set for 2017, but have you thanked God enough? Give Him the praise due to His name. Give Him unrestrained Praise.

Praise Him in the dance, in all that you do….

My name is Precious, I was Bipolar, I live a full life, and I am immensely thankful to God.

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