Still I will Sing…

I have spent today reflecting on why the Month of May is so significant to me. – It’s my birth month and the birth month of my precious gifts, my children. May is also globally recognisedas Mental Health Awareness Month. I have shared a few posts across my social media platforms to create awareness about mental health issues and to play my part in ending the stigma around mental health.
 In a few hours, May will give way to June. This transition into June has nothing to do with what we did or what we didn’t do, it is the way it has been ordained by God in whose hands, are the times and seasons. In the Month of May, I have had memorable moments and low moments; still, I am immensely grateful to God for everything. These words encourage me:
We can’t stop life from happening, but we can happen to life.
I am determined to be among the people who will happen to life. I will live my life intentionally to serve God’s interest. Of course, there will be consequences, yet I will maintain a positive disposition and not allow life happen to me.
One way I will do that, is by being grateful and thankful for EVERYTHING. Even for the seemingly little things, like the ability to drink water, think and write, put on my clothes by myself, feed myself, for family, for friends, even for the bad and good experiences… I am grateful. I will be grateful and I will keep thanking the LORD.
Like Don Moen’s song, I JUST WANT TO THANK YOU LORD…..
My name is Precious, I was Bipolar and I live a Full Life

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