“Isn’t once bipolar always bipolar?” I was asked. “For me, once bipolar isn’t always bipolar”. I replied. I went on to explain that the fact that I experienced being ‘bipolar’ doesn’t mean that I am 24 hours, 7days, 60 minutes, 60seconds, having a bipolar experience. I am not bipolar. Simply put, Bipolar Disorder is defined as “a mental disorder characterized by episodes of mania and depression”. I am not the illness. I can’t take on the identity of bipolar disorder simply because I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and living with it
There is a life beyond the life of being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and that’s the life I want. That’s the life I live – A full life. Being diagnosed with bipolar disorder does not prevent me from doing life and it should not prevent anyone. This is why I confidently say, My name is precious, I was Bipolar and I live a full life.

However, one interesting thing about living a full life as Winnie Zwane puts it, isthat “you can’t live a full life on an empty spirit.” Trying to do that is like trying to treat a mentally ill person without prescribed medication or trying to live a full life on an empty stomach. Can that be possible? In my corner of the world, it is commonly said that a hungry man is an angry man and that when hunger beats up an angry man, it is inevitable that he would discover his talent and live a purposeful life. In our Warri Pidgin English way we say, ‘if hunger beat you, you go discover your talent!’

In the same way, that hunger makes a man angry and that anger leads to a search for satisfaction, the emptiness in a man’s spirit would produce a mixture of feelings of which sadness and anger are chiefs. That emptiness is one of the root causes of the despondency that characterises mental illness.

How can you live a full life with an empty spirit? How? Feed your spirit!

Feed your spirit with the right soul food. Don’t feed your spirit with junk. Scrutinise the content you expose yourself to. Do you recognise that the content may be right for everyone but may not be right for you?

I am a die-hard fan of good content! I am deliberate about the content I expose myself to because I recognise that what I believe, I become. What I want is a full life with the abundance of God’s goodness, mercy, grace, and love. A full life that is hitched on my relationship with the Holy Spirit where I am lovingly corrected, guarded, edified and at peace with God, with myself and with humanity.
 A full life is impossible without the impact of the word of God. God is to me, what the sunshine is to a flower. Without the sunshine, a flower can’t blossom. Without God at the core of my existence, there would be no ‘I Dare to Blossom’ for me. Without God’s controlling interest in my life, I can’t blossom. Can you?

If you haven’t given God the permission to fill you with His love, peace and ‘processes’, this is a good time to start. Talk to God. Ask Him to help you to become the best version of yourself. As my mentor would say, “ask God to introduce you to yourself”, to the picture of you that He has in His mind. If you need me to hold you accountable on this journey of letting God fill you so you can live a full life, you can send me an email here: idaretoblossom@gmail.com

You can also find me on

Instagram: @idaretoblossom_org
Twitter: @Idaretoblossom
Facebook page: I Dare To Blossom

Until the next post, I enjoyed sharing this with you!*smiles*
My name is Precious, I was Bipolar and I live a full Life.


Dear Lord, I recognise that trying to live a full life without your help is like swimming against the tide. It’s difficult. Lord, today and always, I give you controlling interest in my life. Be the Lord of my emotions, mythoughts, my life.Take my burdens and give me your rest, in Jesus name, Amen.

Matthew 11: 28 ESV
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

• My Mentor : Bidemi Mark-Mordi  (www.BidemiMarkMordi. com)
• “you can’t live a full life on an empty spirit.”- First came across this on one of Winnie Zwane’s Instagram (@watergoddess7) posts.
• Warri is a city in Delta State, Nigeria. I grew up there. Their predominant language is Pidgin English. And they are known to have a very good sense of humour while also saying the undiluted truth.

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