The Measure of Value

The world woke up one Friday morning to the news of Joan Rivers’ death which occurred the previous day, Thursday 4th, September, 2014. As we come to terms with this loss, and express our sincere condolences to her family through social media platforms and in person, we are again reminded about our lives. Personally, I am reminded to re-examine my values.

A lot has been said and will still be said concerning Joan Rivers’ death. One outstanding comment on her Facebook timeline, after her daughter, Melissa officially announced her mother’s death, was from a lady named Carol Berry. She wrote,

“Joan will be missed. The legacy she left behind is ‘laughter’. We will never forget that. My prayer to her family and friends. God needed a laugh so he took her home. Thank you Joan for the love and laughter. God Bless.” 

Just reading that compelled me to think about my life in terms of the measure of value invested in me by others and the measure of value I deliberately share with my friends and loved ones. I mean, Joan Rivers left behind a legacy – laughter; she had an unusual ability to make people laugh! Despite losing her second husband, Edgar Rosenberg, to suicide in 1987, somehow, she moved on and did not ignore her God given ability to make people laugh. What will be my legacy? What will I be remembered for? These are questions intended for everyone of us if we must live the life God will have us live – a life of value and impact not of selfishness, pity or depression.

When we talk about legacy, most people assume that having properties, an enviable amount of money in the bank, choice cars, access to the best holiday spots around the world, or even eating and living in luxury, is all that there is to legacy. I beg to differ.

While there is absolutely nothing wrong with the above, it is also important for us to give more attention to those things which we can’t see or hold but whose impact speaks volumes. Things like a smile, laughter, love, selfless service, commitment, diligence, tenacity, etc. These things have no physical appearance or tangible presence that can be touched but their impact creates value which can make our world a better place.

What will be your legacy? WikiEthica, in an article, titled, ‘Legacy: Leaving Your Mark’, defined legacy as,

“the story of someone’s life, the things they did, places they went, goals they accomplished, their failures, and more. Legacy is something that a person leaves behind to be remembered by”.

 If the way you are living your life does not bring upgrade to those in your little corner of the world, then you have to pause and think again. It’s never too late to start on the right path. Of what use is it for you to start your day thinking about ‘me’ and end it thinking about ‘me’? Self- centered thoughts or the ‘me’ thoughts could also express itself in the form of depression. Being consumed about what others think of you, or how they would have treated you better, or how they love or hate you, could make you develop the tendency to be self-centered.

Try to live your life one day at a time focusing on what is important. What is important is relative, depending on your Values. While figuring out what your values are, remember that you greatest sense of value will always come from how you respond to God and the special people He has placed in your life.

Interestingly, Deborah in the Bible was said to be ‘full of good works’, apparently, her relationship with her Heavenly Father made her commit to doing good consciously. You can also commit to good works, rather than invest time and resources in activities that do not make those around you better, invest in value adding activities and start to build a good legacy. What will be your legacy?

My name is Precious, I was bipolar and I live a full life.


Father, I yield to your perfect will for my life. Let your value in me impact on the lives your bring my way daily, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Acts 9:36 (The Holy Bible, New King James Version, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.)

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